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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Putus Cinta...

Pernah kah anda PUTUS CIINTA?..hehee...Rasanya semua orang pernah melalui saat-saat seperti ini..tak kiralah sekali..dua kali...tiga kalii..tak terkira..bagi yang berpeluang untuk jatuh cinta buat beberapa kali selama hidup anda..dan juga ....tak kiralah anda lelaki atau perempuan...sama-sama ada perasaan dan sama-sama ada hati... 
Lelaki dan permpuan diciptakan berdua didalam lelaki yang setia akan bertemu dengan si wanita yang tidak setia dan begitu lah sebaliknya. Tetapi apabila suatu ketika setelah menemui cinta sejati baru mereka sedar..bahawa cinta datang bukan dalam keadaan yang sentiasa manis sahaja..akan ada masa di mana cinta itu hadir dengan kesakitan..kepedihan...kekecewaa...kesedihan...tetapi itulah pelangi cinta manusia....Ia bergantung kepada seseorang untuk menghadapi perkara tersebut.
Kepada lelaki/wanita yang sehingga kini masih lagi dengan permainan cinta kalian, hentikan perkara tersebut kerana anda melukai hati seseorang yang terlalu menyayangi anda. Belum tentu anda akan menemui insan seperti mereka pada masa hadapan sekiranya dia akan meninggalkan anda...
Bagi yang pernah terluka kerana PUTUS CINTA..percayalah anda berhak untuk mendapatkan CINTA SEJATI anda...cuma anda perlu bersabar untuk menanti masa tersebut....
Dan percayalah...bukanlah semua jodoh kita itu adalah insan yang sempurna..yang punya segala-galanya....Ingat bahawa manusia diciptakan untuk saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain...

Semoga CINTA SEJATI anda akan sentiasa bersama anda selamanya...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

History of my life after my sweet 17

Humm...dah lama aku tak buka blog aku ni..nak hampir 6 bulan kot..well not because i dont have much time but...i dunno how to express my feeling....ahahaha...So...almost 1 year after i left my carreer as Imigratition Officer... How do i feel?..ahaksss...Actually there is no specific feeling..(how come baby?..)...why?..because i'm happy a little bit....bored so much....and i feel that i am "decompressed" (ayat baru kerr?...) myself here....But...that what people said...When u go to the new place...u will learn many things....When you are is very different from what you learn before this...
Working in small organization like this making me sick...sick in term of development of my knowledge...I left librarian world almost 2 years...and most of facts that i've learn before is stored neatly in the bottom side of my brain...and yes..i'm still in the process of recalling all of that.. But..that is not an easy task.....Good side when you are working with people that have a little knowledge about ur filed is they never ask more from you...You yourself need to create something that can amaze them or yourself..
But never is something that you can learn step by step..ahaksss......eventhough sometimes you feel that u are burden by you job..why?..because u need to do everything..u are the acquisiton librarian, catalouger, supervise circulation task.....Technician....everthing you need to do by yourself...When you ask for is very limited....oh my's more challenging than my previous job....
Emm....Forget about this would like to share my story about life....i begin with after i finished SPM....Here is the cronology of my life.....

2003 - Finished with SPM. My result....absolutely not Excellent...Not Good...Only Moderate..
2004 - Got engaged
- Futher my Study at Diploma Level. (UiTM Kampus Samarahan, Sarawak.- Dip. Pengurusan Maklumat)
- Joined Militry Service. (ROTU TUDM).
2005 - Study and training.
2006 - Study and training.
2007 - Finished Diploma Pengurusan Maklumat. (CGPA: 3.53)
- Tauliah ROTU TUDM.. become Askar Susu...dengan gelaran Lt. M Treciae Binti Majit (PSSTUDM) 18.06.2007
- Futher my study at Degree Level. (BSc. (Hons.) Library and Information Management)
2008 - Study
2009 - Finished my Degree. (CGPA: 3.55) Konvo on Oct 2009.
- Working as Waitress at Elusion Lounge, Courtyard Hotel 1B Hypermall. (04.10.2009)
- Called for Interview by SPA for the post Pen. Penguasa Imigresen Gred KP27. (13.10.2009).
- Called by Inti College to report on duty for the post Library Assistant. (22.12.2009)
- Called by SPA to report on duty on 23.12.2009.
2010 - Started my job as Imigration Officer on 04.01.2010.
- Called for interview by SPA for the post Pustakawan S41. (10.03.2010)
- Attend MTEST. (11.03.2010)
- Become "Calon Simpanan" for the Post Pustakawan S41.(Mei 2009)
2011 - Called by SPA tu submit few documents to enable them process my posting. (28.03.2011)
- Called by National Library of Malaysia to report on duty at IPG Kampus Keningau on 03.05.2011.
2012 - Getting Married.(10.03.2012)

Humm.....sometimes..i dont believe the miracle that God has give to me in my's like a dream...but yet its true...I'm not brilliant person..but i am lucky person because i'm hardworking..(ahahaha...) I'd like to read books on motivation and there i learn lot about how to achieve success in a life... some of my favourite author in the field of motivation is Zig Ziglar, Frank Tiblot and many more..So...people out there....success not came have to paid it with your own vitality...i still remember on my last semester of my degree level...I'm taking 2 killer subject..(Database + Programming)...At that time...if i'm not mistaken....all of final year student need to take 9 subject in 1 semester including research....And almost 6 months...i sleep ony 2 hours per day.. no time to play2..jalan2...and thanks God because for the both 2 killer project...i scored A and A-.....(eventough aku dah lupa ilmu-ilmu database n programming itu sekarang)... advice to reader..
  • Never give up...
  • Believe that..there will be time for everything..
  • Never underestimate the ability that you have...
  • Never blame anyone for what had happen in your life...
So....Jumpa anda di Puncak kejayaan...